
Millets are coarse grains and a repository of protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals. They include jowar (sorghum), ragi (finger millet), korra (foxtail millet), arke (kodo millet), sama (little millet), bajra (pearl millet), chena/barr (proso millet) and sanwa (barnyard millet).

Health benefits

  • With 9 grams of fiber per 100-gram serving, millet supports healthy and regular digestion. It may also help resolve issues like diarrhea and supports healthy gut flora to prevent peptic ulcers and reduce your risk of colon cancer.

  • Millet is rich in catechins such as quercetin which boost liver and kidney function. These organs are essential for the detoxification of the body.

  • The magnesium content of millet provides a variety of benefits including improving insulin sensitivity to help prevent type 2 diabetes.

  • Millet contains numerous antioxidants including selenium, quercetin, and pantothenic acid which protect the body against free-radical damage and oxidative stress, helping to prevent many chronic diseases.

  • Rich in iron as well as folate and folic acid, millet helps prevent anemia by supporting the formation of red blood cells and maintaining adequate hemoglobin levels.

  • The phosphorus content of millet supports the formation of cells, tissues, and bones, helping the body repair itself – phosphorus is also a key component in nervous system structures.

  • With plenty of insoluble fiber, millet prevents the formation of gallstones by reducing intestinal transit time – it also reduces bile acid secretion which is known to contribute to gallstone formation.


Jowar (depending upon the geographical regions it's also called as Sorghum, Durra, Egyptian Millet, Guinea Corn, Milo, Shallu and Sudan Grass) is the fifth most important cereal crop in the world after rice, wheat, maize and barley. It is the third largest crop to be grown in India after rice and wheat. The grain is similar to that of maize but having more fats and proteins. This proves beneficial for the livestock and hence is the reason of the popularity of the crop as a feed. It is found in the arid and semi arid parts of the country, due to its feature of being extremely drought tolerant. The nutritional value of Jowar is same as of that of corn and that is why it is gaining importance as livestock feed. it also serves as a substitute to it. Jowar is also used for ethanol production, producing grain alcohol, starch production, production of adhesives and paper other than being used as food and feed. Numerous types of genetically different Jowar's are available that are broadly cate.

  • Grain Jowar (grown for grain)
  • Sorgos (grown for fodder)
  • Grass Jowar (wild jowar)
  • Broomcorn Jowar (used in making brooms)

The popularity of the crop is clear from the fact that it is cultivated in 99 countries in the world, major production share contributed by the African countries. The total world production of the cereal grain in 2015-16 was 60 million metric tons, USA accounting around 17% of the world's total production. Nigeria and India were on the 2nd and 3rd position in the major producer countries list after United States. Regarding the consumption pattern, the world's total consumption is around 60 million metric tons, Nigeria being at the top of the list. More than 55% of the total production is consumed as a food for human being and around 33% is used as fodder.

Barnyard Millet

Barnyard millet, also known as Udalu in Telugu is native of Eurasia. This millet is highly nutritious in comparison with other major cereals. The area of cultivation ranges from 50'n to 40's latitude in both temperature and tropical habitats. The success of barnyard millet is attributed to prolific seedling, seed dormancy, ability to grow rapidly and flower in range of photoperiods. Barnyard millet grass has some forage value but requires considerable water to produce more biomass and it is too succulent for 'hay' making. The edible seeds could be ground to meal to flour. Barnyard millet is an important rain fed crop of assured rainfall regions..

Finger Millet

Finger millet, also known as Ragi in Telugu is a major food crop of semiarid tropics of Asia and Africa and has been an indispensable component of dry farming system. It is third most important millet among all other millets in India in terms of production after sorghum and pearl millet.

Foxtail Millet

Foxtail millet, also known as Korralu in Telugu is one of the oldest crops cultivated for food grain and straw and cultivated as dry-land crop under marginal and sub-marginal lands of tropical and subtropical India. Nowadays, it is an important crop in India, China, Japan and other countries where as in North and South America, Australia and Africa as a minor cereal.

Kodo Millet

Kodo millet, also known as Arikelu in Telugu India and West Africa are the major growers of kodo millet. It is one of the small millets which are indigenous to Indian subcontinent and domesticated with a cultivation history of more than 3,000 years. The cultivation of kodo millet in India is quite wide spread stretching to many stress in south, west, central and north India.

Little Millet

Little millet, also known as Samalu in Telugu is widely cultivated as cereal across India, Nepal and Western Myanmar. Presently it is grown throughout India in near about 1 million hectares with major area being in the states of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Orissa, Bihar, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. It is highly tolerant to heat and drought. It is preferred in extreme soil and climatic conditions of tribal agriculture. The average grain yield is 500-600kg per hectare.

Pearl Millet

Pearl millet, also known as Bajra in Hindi and Sajjalu in Telugu is a rich source of phosphorus, which plays an important part in the structure of body cells. Phosphorus, found in pearl millet, is a significant component of several necessary compounds including adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This element is also a crucial component of nucleic acids, which are the building blocks of the genetic code. Phosphorus is a constituent of lipid-containing structures such as cell membranes and nervous system structures.

Proso Millet

Proso millet, also known as Varigalu in Telugu is one of the small millets cultivated in specialized agriculture richness in India. It is the true millet of the history and is said to be as ancient as wheat. It is called by different names in many parts of the world as French millet, Hog millet and in India as Panivaragu, Cheena. It is cultivated in the himalayan region upto an altitude of 2000MSL. It is well known for its early maturity and drought withstanding ability.


Sorghum, also known as Jowar in Hindi and Jonnalu in Telugu is the fifth most important cereal crop in the world after rice, wheat, maize and barley. It is the third largest crop to be grown in India after rice and wheat which has more fats and proteins. This proves beneficial for the livestock and hence is the reason of the popularity of the crop as a feed. It is found in the arid and semiarid parts of the country, due to its feature of being extremely drought tolerant. The nutritional value of sorghum is same as of that of corn and that is why it is gaining importance as livestock feed. it also serves as a substitute to it. Sorghum is also used for ethanol production, producing grain alcohol, starch production, production of adhesives and paper other than being used as food and feed. Numerous types of genetically different sorghum available that are broadly categorized into four heads:

  • Grain sorghum (grown for grain)
  • Sorgos (grown for fodder)
  • Grass sorghum (wild jowar)
  • Broomcorn sorghum (used in making brooms)

Crop / nutrient Protein (g) Fiber (g) Minerals (g) Iron (mg) Calcium (mg)
Barnyard millet 11.2 10.1 4.4 15.2 11
Brown top millet 11.5 12.5 4.2 0.65 0.01
Finger millet 7.3 3.6 2.7 3.9 344
Fonio 11 11.3 5.31 84.8 18
Foxtail millet 12.3 8 3.3 2.8 31
Kodo millet 8.3 9 2.6 0.5 27
Little millet 7.7 7.6 1.5 9.3 17
Pearl millet 10.6 1.3 2.3 16.9 38
Proso millet 12.5 2.2 1.9 0.8 14
Sorghum 10 4 1.6 2.6 54








