
Indian wheat is largely a soft/medium hard, medium protein, white bread wheat, somewhat similar to U.S. hard white wheat. Wheat grown in central and western India is typically hard, with high protein and high gluten content.

Health benefits

  • Wheat controls obesity of our body. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has been shown in research Whole Wheat that Wheat is good for obese person.
  • The trans fats and saturated are increase the chances of cardiovascular diseases and the Wheat are immensely effective on patients with metabolic disorders.
  • Wheat is full of Magnesium. And it is acts as co-factor for more than 300 enzymes. These days many people are suffering from Diabetes.
  • Some women are suffering from breast cancer. The Wheat and Fruits are providing significant safeguards for pre-menopausal women against breast cancer.
  • The wheat is natural source to prevent heart attack! So prefers whole wheat products and live your life healthy and happy.